Amid rumours of his link-up with investment banker Priya Marwah, Bollywood actor John Abraham has said that he is finally ready to tie the knot. 'Its my wish to get married soon. I would love to settle down in life. It is human nature. There was a time when I did not want to get settled down but today I want to. It is a normal... natural thing,' John told PTI. John's love life has been constantly in news post his break-up with Bipasha Basu. The end of his eight-year relation with the actress recently, led to several speculations with both of them getting linked with their co-stars. While Bipasha was said to be seeing Shahid Kapoor, Josh Harnett and Rana Duggabati, John has been linked to Genelia D'souza and Deepika Padukone.
B-town is also abuzz about John dating Marwah and his plans to wed next year. But the 38-year-old actor wishes to keep his personal life away from media glare and chooses to remain mum about the special person in his life. 'Today, I will fiercely protect my personal life. Like I will never comment on my personal life in public...saying it is this.. it is that.
Today, if anybody comes in way of my personal life, I will react... probably like how a tiger reacts,' John said. 'In the past I had this gestation period where personal life was out in open. But today I will not allow it to go out there. I will hold it close to me I will not let
anybody come close to it and cover it. I am at a stage where I probably want to do good films and have a good life,' he said.
anybody come close to it and cover it. I am at a stage where I probably want to do good films and have a good life,' he said.
hallo minnal
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